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A Fresh Start: Cleansing Your Home for A New Year, Sage Vs Palo Santo

Updated: Feb 26

Mystical bunch

As the New Year dawns upon us, it’s time to bid adieu to the old and welcome the new with open arms. And what better way to do so than by cleansing your home of any lingering negative energies or stagnant vibes? With all the boxes I got to check off my 2023 Bingo card, I know I could use a refresh. Enter sage and Palo Santo – the dynamic duo of smudging rituals that have been used for centuries to purify spaces and invite positivity.

I know Choosing between sage and Palo Santo can feel like picking between your favorite desserts – both are delightful, but each has its distinct flavor. Sage, often bundled into smudge sticks, has been utilized by various cultures for its potent cleansing properties. On the other hand, Palo Santo, the sacred wood from South America, emits a sweet and earthy aroma when burned, providing a unique cleansing experience.

So, which one suits your purpose?

Sage: When you’re aiming for a deep, thorough cleansing, sage takes the crown. Its smoke is believed to clear out dense energies and purify your home, making it an ideal choice for a robust reset. Whether you’ve had a tumultuous year or simply wish to start afresh, sage can be your go-to tool.

Sage smudge bundle 3 pack

Palo Santo: If you’re seeking a gentler approach or looking to infuse your space with positive energy, Palo Santo might be your perfect match. This holy wood is often preferred for its calming and uplifting properties. Lighting Palo Santo can create a serene ambiance, making it ideal for meditation or setting intentions for the upcoming year. While sage may be a more deep cleanse, I like to use Palo Santo any time I clean up the house.

Palo Santo Sticks

Now, how do you embark on this mystical cleansing journey?

Prepare Your Space, open windows to allow any negative energies to exit while smudging. Ensure fire safety by having a fireproof container or abalone shell to catch ashes.

For Sage: Light one end of the sage smudge stick until it catches fire, then gently blow out the flames, allowing the smoke to billow. Begin at the entrance of your home and move clockwise from room to room, paying special attention to corners, closets, and areas where energy might stagnate. Envision the smoke absorbing and dispelling any negativity.

For Palo Santo: Ignite the tip of the Palo Santo stick and let it burn for about 30 seconds before gently blowing out the flame. Allow the sweet-scented smoke to envelop your space, focusing on areas you wish to infuse with positivity. Move mindfully, setting intentions for renewal and inviting fresh energy.

Closing the Ritual, once you’ve smudged your home, extinguish the sage or Palo Santo by pressing the burning end into the fireproof container. Express gratitude for the cleansing, and visualize your space filled with positivity and renewed energy. For a final touch, diffusing some citrus essential oil is just an added healing bonus.

Whether you opt for the robust cleansing power of sage or the serene aura of Palo Santo, both these ancient tools can help you embrace the New Year with a refreshed and rejuvenated space. So, grab your smudge sticks or sacred wood, and let’s welcome positive vibes and new beginnings into our homes!

Sage Bunches

Remember, it's not just about cleansing your space; it’s about setting intentions, releasing the old, and inviting in all the wonderful possibilities the New Year has to offer. Cheers to a harmonious and prosperous year ahead! What are your intentions for 2024?



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